There was no such thing as an official class photograph at Westleigh College when I was there, not even a professional photographer for Speech Night or any other function.
Unfortunately these are the only photographs I have, and it took me quite a long time to find them, even though I was certain they were still in my possession.
Thankfully I persisted with my search.
The photographs posted here are the ones I took with a Kodak Box Camera which I received as a birthday gift from my parents. I suppose I was in grade 5 then, because these pictures were taken in Grade 6.
This first picture (above) is of my friend, Carolyn Palmer who had beautiful curly red hair and a great sense of humour..
Unfortunately these are the only photographs I have, and it took me quite a long time to find them, even though I was certain they were still in my possession.
Thankfully I persisted with my search.
The photographs posted here are the ones I took with a Kodak Box Camera which I received as a birthday gift from my parents. I suppose I was in grade 5 then, because these pictures were taken in Grade 6.
This first picture (above) is of my friend, Carolyn Palmer who had beautiful curly red hair and a great sense of humour..

For a very short time we both went to the same ballet school. I didn't stay there very long: it was quite an ordeal going into the city of Melbourne from Northcote, and then traveling home to Hawthorn by public transport when it was dark.

On the right is Elana Braianis who was a very talented dancer and singer.
Like myself, Elana had an older sister at Westleigh College.

Fortunately I had written all the names of the girls on the back of each photograph so I know that in the bottom row - seated - we have Leonie, Jennifer, Elana and Marilyn Richards.
The girls standing are Anna Hansen, Pauline Amos, Rosalyn "Pippa" Law and Carolyn Palmer.
Unfortunately I never handed the camera to any one of my classmates to get a photograph of myself!
I have no idea how I looked in my school uniform back then. That may be a good thing.
Most of these girls started when I did, in 1954, although a few came later.
I have not had any contact with any of these girls since 1960.
Perhaps I should register here and see if that helps?
ReplyDeleteMy name is Miriam Suss - back in 1961, the year I completed Grade 6 at Westleigh College, I was Mary Zydower.
Wondering if there was ever a Westleigh reunion - anyone interested in organising one?
I am living in Caulfield Victoria, having completed my secondary education at Mt Scopus College and the studying Social Work at Melbourne Uni.
Hi Miriam,
ReplyDeleteI remember you! I remember you had a bad fall at the front gate and sustained a severe knee injury.Yes?
I remember you had red hair and braids. I think you are younger than I am.
Sorry I have taken so long to find your comment.
Thanks so much for taking the time to write one.
Rosie aka Westleigh Girl
ReplyDeleteI don't think Matron put iodine on it,thankfully!
I think there was a reunion back in the '70's. I didn't make it as I had just had a baby.
Wendy Killeen ( Silvester) just found this site on my iPad .
ReplyDeleteJust great to see my old school friends
From Wendy Killeen
ReplyDeleteI sat with all of you in class , elana and leonie sat in front of me ,always doing ballet at lunch time Faye Jones sat with us and Marie Buckingham was my best friend. Mrs Oliver was our teacher.
Hi Wendy,
ReplyDeleteI remember you!
You had recently arrived from the UK.
Thanks so much for dropping by!
I can't remember Marie Buckingham.
I remember Faye Jones and the others you mentioned.
Good to hear from you!
all the best,
Hi again all
ReplyDeleteRosie, I still have the scar on my leg from that fall which happened on 10 April 1961 - 2 days before my 11th birthday.
They sent me off to have stitches.
Did you hear that Gail Clymo passed away some years ago?
Hi Miriam,and hi Wendy if you are there still.
ReplyDeleteI am not surprised you still have a scar.I remember it was quite horrific.
Are you sure it was 1961?
I was already in high school then. Maybe it was 1960?
I had not hard about Gail.
I do remember her. She had short, straight blond hair and lots of dark eyelashes - well,,that is how I remember her.
It's great to hear from you.
How do my recollections match up with yours?
Hi Rosie
ReplyDeleteYour memory is much better than mine but as I think of memories, some details do return. You may be right, my fall might have been in 1960. Do you remember Sandra Carling, Georgina Sayer, Kay Martin? And a girl called Judy Ann who tragically died (leukaemia?) at the age of 9 or 10?
I also remember learning ballroom dancing in the hall next door to the school, and an annual school dance, possibly at the Northcote Town Hall where we dressed up in formal gear.
I remember the occasional French lesson in the sisters’ drawing room in their private residence behind the school.
The huge peppercorn tree in the middle of the schoolyard full of caterpillars (Emperor moths?). Miss Everard’s favourite pidgeon – “coocoo”.
And Matron standing at the school gate checking for hats and gloves as we left school at the end of the day.
Wish you and any other Westleigh Old Collegians Happy New Year for 2012.
Hi Miriam,
ReplyDeleteI remember all those girls except Judy Ann. Maybe if I knew her surname it would help?
You are right about the dancing: we had a school ball at the Northcote Town hall. I remember this quite well. We learned well-known classics like the Charmaine Waltz, Barn Dance etc etc.
I also remember there were NO boys!
Usually my aunt and uncle took us to this. In fact I recently told my aunt about you posting here and she knows you.
A few years ago she wrote a book that was launched at the Makkor (sp?) Library.
That's a little, but maybe not too helpful hint!
(I am not going to mention her name on the blog - but it is a small world!)
The peppercorn tree was enormous and he caterpillars very colourful.
And the French lessons.
I remember the pigeon - flying rat!
I mentioned it in this thread:
Who can forget the uniform inspections? Sadly they followed me through to Canterbury Girls' High. I eventually became a prefect there and got my revenge so to speak.
Thank you so much for all your good wishes, and all the best to you and yours also:)
Wii work it out eventually, but meanwhile a few more names - Fran Baitz, Esther and Simone Herman, Harry Blutstein? I believe he was only in kinder where boys were allowed. I have reminisced with Fran, Esther and Simone in recent years.
ReplyDeleteI think I have photos to prove that I was a "Westleigh girl". How might I post them on the site? If you would like to contact me, leave a comment on my blog http://harryblutstein.com.
DeleteI remember the Herman sisters, Miriam.
ReplyDeleteFran and Harry I can't recall at all so many thanks for adding to the history.
I do remember there were some boys in kindergarten in my year.
One was called Steven and the other was Grant McRitchie.
Grant had two older sisters: Anne and Lynne.
Ann eventually became head prefect.
The family lived in Hawthorn.
We moved from Preston to Hawthorn for my last year(s).
We were actually going to leave but Miss Clarice was not happy about this at all so she organised to have Mrs McRitchie take us to Northcote and back daily.
I always felt a bit beholden to them.
The McRitchies had a rather interesting collection of cars which included Jaguars and Bentleys. We went in a different one frequently!
They owned an engineering factory which was situated in Hawthorn and could easily be seen from the train as one traveled to the city on the Ringwood-Lilydale line.
(This became a daily occurrence for me eventually for tertiary education, and teaching in Sunshine!)
Occasionally we would go home ourselves and this was quite an ordeal for young girls.
It involved tramming down High Street to Clifton Hill, then taking a bus down Punt Road to Victoria Street, and then another tram down to Barker's Road Hawthorn.
It seemed to take forever!
BTW the girl that squashed the pigeon was Glenda (or Gwenda) Duffield. I was just glad it wasn't me!
Do you also remember some of the girl had the most amazing curls? Their mothers used to put their hair in rags to get a real Shirley Temple look!
Lyndal Dean had lovely ones, as did Sandra Carling, Cheryl MacFarlane, and the Brianis sisters sometimes wore their hair this way.
I loved those curls but my hair was never long enough for that style and my mother had never heard of 'putting your hair in rags'!
Am I really a "Westleigh girl"? Can anyone fill me in?
ReplyDeleteHi Harry,
ReplyDeleteSeems you are!
I will leave a comment on your blog if you wish to get in touch with me.
Hi Rosie,
ReplyDeleteFinally worked out how to get contact with you. Wow when I first came across your Blog It was just like my memories had been written down for me." Pigeons " Oh how I cannot stand anything with feathers. That darned cucoo and friends ! I would love to know if your sister is Gisella. Gisella well remembered by me in class. I knew Elanna and Maria very well. I danced also , and continued thru until I was married.
Other girls in my year Susan Norris, Robyn Shewan, Teena Doupis, Margaret Watt, Elizabeth White, Kerrie Tippett, June Marshall,Lana Compton, Marian Filandriaki, Jeannie Smith and Lyn McRitchie were a year ahead of us. Also Pat Crawford. Miss Clarice was always refering to Winsome who was apparently a reli of Jeannie's.Obviously a favorite ex student.
Ha !! jut thinking, do you remember those newspaper squares. Matron used to sit patiently cutting up for us to use at the toilets. I used to take my own from home.
Monday Pie and vsnilla slice. Just remembered Sue Grimshaw, her Gran came at lunchtime every day with a fresh ham sandwich from the deli. She never ate the crust, we know who got them. Remember too Loris Smith, and her wonderful Birthday Parties.
Myself, I left Westleigh to train as a Hairdresser 1961 . Had Salon in Preston and another in Rosanna. Married , 2 children.Had various bisnesses over time, Went on to work close to home as Chiropractic Assis. Followed on to Embroidery Design and teach from home. Caught up with Judith Dunstan at The Royal Show a few yers ago, She was a director of Exhibits from memory. Had't changed. Also Desley Tuttleby ,she I think was showing rare breed rabbits.
Would love to catch up ...Helen Wheeler
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ReplyDeleteHello Helen:)
ReplyDeleteI remember your name and I think you are/were blonde?
My sister now calls herself Giselle. I sent her your post. She remembers most of the names also.
I am really glad you have confirmed some of my memories - good to know I wasn't making it all up!
I remember most of the names you mentioned.
I think Giselle went up to Mildura one year to visit Margaret Watt as they had moved up there to run a road house.
And I seem to recall Miss Clarice taking the older girls up to Harrietville for an excursion.
Some other names that have since come to me are Marilyn Gratian, Sandra Carling, Charmaine Lehman and her sister - cannot recall her name - Cheryl McFarlane, Pamela Perry and her sister, Christine White, sister of Elizabeth, Annette Halliwell, Carol Smith who left long before we did,Lyndall Dean, Glenda Duffield and a sister also,,, and of course the other people mentioned in comments above.
I also recall seeing Elana on TV as she had won a beach beauty pageant! She looked great! Must have been in the early '70's or late '60's I think.
It's incredible how many girls went to dancing classes and I guess many were contemporaries of Patti(McGrath)Newton who also attended May Downs. I often saw her going there when I was in the city.
This is all incredible. I didn't expect such responses and I certainly didn't think I would be answering them almost three years later.
My sister never married, but I did and have two sons and two grandchildren.
We both did teaching but I also did fashion, cosmetics and retail later.
Now I am retired and spend too much time on my computer. I think I am a bit of an addict!
I remember the toilet paper - who could forget?
I remember Monday lunches of pies or pasties and such.
I was very glad when Miss Clarice got the local deli to make us lunches also.
I also remember how jealous we all were when someone's mother brought up fish and chips for them.
Hi Rosie
ReplyDeleteSince my last post I've had the opportunity to catch up with Harry, Esther, Simone, Pauline and Fran. And a whole list of names of girls from my class at Westleigh have come back to me: Rosemary Veal, Christine Weate, Robyn Beach, Georgina Sayer, Denise Shuttleworth, Sandra Carling, Kay Martin, Kaylene Mottram, Helen Hollins, as well as the names contained in your previous posts and photos.
Rosie, how do I upload a photo to this Blog? Have another class photo taken, I think, in 1961. I can email it you if I can get an email address.
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ReplyDeleteHi Miriam and others
ReplyDeleteI just found this site after I typed in Westleigh College to see what might come up.
I am Kaye Martin (Hearne). What a delight to read your posts and bring back some many early school memories. Miriam I remember you so fondly and how very sad I was to have to leave the College in 1960 and your friendship. I recall your fall so I think it was definitely in '60.
After 2 years at Bayview Primary I went to Waverley High School and surprising Georgina Sayers turned up in my form.
I note that the writings were 2011/12 so maybe this post is too late!
Hi Kaye,
DeleteI remember your name!
Thanks so much for adding some info!
How are you?
And yes, also remember Georgina!
Hi Westleigh girls (and boys - see Harry's post)
ReplyDeleteSo good to read that some of these well-remembered girls are showing up again. Kaye, we were such good friends. You lived in Nicholson Road Brunswick, I think? Let me know if you are interested in a reunion - I have been in touch with Elana nee Briannis and Robyn nee Beach.
Hi Miriam,
DeleteToo easy for me to forget this blog.
Late last year I received a response from Val Lehman.
At the time she was working on "Grease"
She says:
Hello Rosie, thank you very much for this,
I was rather pleased to have been contacted by a couple of girls from
Westleigh whilst was last in Melbourne,and Elana Brianis was actually
working on Grease as a dresser.
Please passion my best wishes to any of the girls who are in touch withyou, I don't recognise a lot of the girls in the photo but I do remember
I left Westleigh December 1959.. went on to do fine art at RMIT met
a young Duntroon graduate and married in 1962 had three children,
Cassandra, Joanne,(both of whom appeared in Prisoner)and Jason. I now have 7 grandchildren, one of whom is 22, and on his way to being a Director of Photography in Film. Sorry have to rush we are very busy doing 8 shows a week at the moment and Christmas is looming!!
Regards Val
Hi Rosie & Miriam
DeleteI am so disappointed that I have discovered I missed the reunion. Writing on a blog is new to me and obviously checking for recent posts is even more foreign.
Miriam your memory serves you well, that was my address. Last year, as a surprise my daughters arranged a special event at 120 Nicholson Street that is now the Milkwood Cafe. What memories and stories that experience delivered. I am currently writing my childhood memories (at the request of my youngest daughter) and all the writings on your blog Rosie has helped enormously. Miriam you had already featured as my first and best friend in those years so what a sheer delight that you remembered our friendship.
I hope in the near future everyone feels another catch up is needed and I'll be there.
Hi again Rosie and blog readers. We have settled on a date: Sunday 13 November at 3pm probably at a cafe in Northcote, details will follow. Please hold the date and join us there. My direct email address is msuss@bigpond.net.au, and a firm RSVP would be appreciated for the purpose of booking. Please bring photos and memorabilia!
Thanks for that, Miriam!
DeleteAn update on our get-together- reunion. We have booked Stuzzi Cafe, 319-325 High Street Northcote from 2pm on Sunday 13 November. We'd love to have as many people as possible there, so please inform any Westleigh alumni that you can contact.
ReplyDeleteAnd bring relevant stuff!!!
Looking forward to seeing everyone there
Thanks Miriam.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to this reunion.
Great! me too!
ReplyDeleteAny idea how long it will last?
ReplyDeleteNeed to organise transport etc.
I guess about 2 hours, Rosie. Do you want a lift? I'm in Caulfield.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the offer Miriam.
ReplyDeleteI don't live in Caulfield, oddly enough.
But knowing the time frame is a great help.
Rosie, So excited tomorro we all meet up again Helen
ReplyDeleteMe too, Helen!
ReplyDeleteHope we will be able to recognise each other!!
Hi Rosie & Miriam
ReplyDeleteI am so disappointed that I have discovered I missed the reunion. Writing on a blog is new to me and obviously checking for recent posts is even more foreign.
Miriam your memory serves you well, that was my address. Last year, as a surprise my daughters arranged a special event at 120 Nicholson Street that is now the Milkwood Cafe. What memories and stories that experience delivered. I am currently writing my childhood memories (at the request of my youngest daughter) and all the writings on your blog Rosie has helped enormously. Miriam you had already featured as my first and best friend in those years so what a sheer delight that you remembered our friendship.
I hope in the near future everyone feels another catch up is needed and I'll be there.
Hi there. I hope I am on the right track here. I am trying to piece together my mothers history, as a lot of it I don't know much about. I do know however (well my sister told me this) that she attended Westleigh College in 1961. Her name was Susan Ryan, but she changed her name to Hilary Ryan (her middle name) as there were a few other Susans in her year ??? Anyway I am hoping this is the right place to start looking for information. Anyone who knew her I would love to hear from you. Thanks so much Dallas.
ReplyDeleteHello Dallas. I just came across your post regarding your Mother Susan Ryan and associated posts regarding the reunions which I am sorry to see that I missed.
DeleteI was a good friend of your Mothers and have some nice photos in my album of her from 1955 Sports Day, 1957 School Ball and 1959 Class photo.
Hi to all former Westleigh students.
ReplyDeleteSadly I wish to advise that Kayleen Mottram passed away on the Gold Coast about 10 days ago after suffering from MS for some years. Elana McKinlay Briannis has been visiting her sister Maria in Queensland and has been in touch with Kayleen's family.
I remember Kayleen fondly as a bubbly blond curly-haired girl. She appears in some of the photos in this blog. Very sad.
Hi Kaye!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you missed our get-together! But never too late - we plan to meet again around Easter time. Meantime I'd love to get your contact details so that we can meet for a coffee or lunch - so many years to catch up on! Please email me at msuss@bigpond.net.au
I really look forward to hearing from you.
Hello again ladies. Denise Shuttleworth here. Can you let me know if you have another reunion. I wld love to catch up with you all
ReplyDeletePhone 0418584207 or Facebook Denise Brice
ReplyDeleteHi to all. I also am an 'old' Westleigh College girl. My grandmother lived in CLARKE Street (close to High St.). I lived with her for about 18 months, as my mother had passed away in 1955. I was at the school for around two years, after which I attended Heidelberg State school. I remember the Everard Sisters well. I still have 2 books I received for being 2nd in form. Lovely memories. I don't suppose anyone remembers me. My name was Norma Stott. Would love to hear from anyone re any more reunions.